Lemon Ginger Colon Cleanse Shot

Ingredients :
- 1 inch fresh raw ginger root
- 1/2 lemon
- stevia to taste optional
Method :
- Peel the ginger root.
- Pass the ginger through a juicer.
- Squeeze the juice of ½ organic lemon. Add to juice.
- Mix and taste.
- Add stevia to taste.
- Drink immediately.
magnesium citrate
Magnesium citrate is an osmotic laxative. It softens the stool and causes frequent bowel movements. It is most effective when used with sodium picosulfate. It can also help with weight loss and promote overall health.
Ingredients :
- 2-4 teaspoons of magnesium citrate powder
- 1 glass of warm water
Method :
- Add magnesium citrate to a glass of warm water and mix well.
- Drink this solution every morning.
- How often should you do this?
- Do it once a day.
Note: Only take this amount of magnesium citrate for one week because increased bowel movements can cause mineral loss.