8 Tricks to Keep Mice Away Permanently

Discover 8 effective tricks to keep mice away permanently with these homemade strategies.
- Seal all possible entrances: Inspect your home for cracks, holes, or openings where mice can enter. Seal any openings with caulk, metal mesh, or caulk to prevent access.
- Keep clean: Mice are attracted to food scraps. Regularly clean floors, countertops, and places where food is prepared. Store food in airtight containers.
- Use mousetraps: Place baited traps in areas where you have seen mouse activity. Check and empty the traps regularly.
- Natural repellents: Mice are not fans of certain strong odors. Use natural repellents such as peppermint, eucalyptus, or peppermint oil. Spray these scents in areas prone to the presence of mice.
- Adopt a cat: Cats are excellent mouse catchers. If you are willing to have a pet, consider adopting a cat as a preventative measure against rodents.
- Garden cleaning: Keep your garden tidy and free of weeds. Mice can find shelter in dense brush and leaf piles. Keep the area around your house clear.
- Proper storage: Keep items stored in your home in closed containers or plastic boxes to prevent mice from finding shelter in them.
- Home repairs: Make necessary repairs to your home to prevent mice from finding places to nest. This includes fixing cracks in walls, replacing broken windows, and securing doors properly.
Note : The combination of these tricks will help you keep mice away permanently and protect your home from their unwanted presence.
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