Make Stovetop Burners Glow Without Using Bleach
Ingredients :
- Sodium bicarbonate
- White vinegar
- Hot water
- cloth or sponge
Instructions :
- Remove the burners from the stove and place them in a large container.
- Generously sprinkle baking soda over the burners.
- Pour white vinegar over the burners until an effervescent foam forms.
- Let the mixture of baking soda and vinegar work for 15-20 minutes.
- Meanwhile, boil water in a large pot.
- Remove the burners from the container and rinse them under hot water to remove any residue.
- Soak the burners in the hot water for a few minutes to remove any traces of baking soda.
- Gently scrub the burners with a cloth or sponge to remove any stubborn dirt.
- Rinse the burners again with hot water and dry them completely.
- Replace the burners on the stove and bask in its renewed glow.
Note : This effective hack will allow you to clean and make your stove burners shine without using bleach.
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