5 Tips to Clean your Microwave and leave it as clean as the first day #blog

lemon and water solution


  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cup of water


  1. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze its juice into the cup of water.
  2. Add the squeezed lemon halves into the water.
  3. Place the mug in the microwave and close the door.
  4. Turn on the microwave and set the timer for 3 minutes on full power.
  5. The lemon water will heat up and begin to generate steam inside the microwave.
  6. Once the time is up, leave the mug in the microwave for another 5 minutes to allow the steam to work.
  7. After 5 minutes, open the microwave door cautiously and remove the mug.
  8. With a soft cloth or sponge, clean the inside walls of the microwave. The steam will have softened the dirt, making it easier to remove.
  9. Pay special attention to difficult stains and areas with accumulated grease. If necessary, rub gently with the sponge.
  10. Finally, dry the inside of the microwave with a clean, dry cloth.

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