Home remedy

Ingredients :
- 200 ml of extra virgin olive oil (approximately a cup).
- Two large lemons.
- Five eucalyptus leaves.
- 1 glass jar with lid.
- Clean sales.
- Film paper.
Method :
- Peel the lemons and chop the peels to store them in the jar. Next, add the oil so that the shells are covered.
- Take the eucalyptus leaves to chop them and add them to the jar. From here, it will have to be closed well and stored for two weeks in a cool, dark place.
- After this time, filter it to preserve only the liquid.
Take a bandage and dip it into the jar until it is well soaked. Place it on the painful joint and cover it with plastic so that it takes effect throughout the night. You should use it at least three times a week.
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